Saturday, February 16, 2008

Response from Tom McPherron

I received an email yesterday from Tom McPherron. Tom, his wife Sharon, and their three children lived on both Westminster and Kingsbury for a long time. The still live nearby. Tom writes:
"I am not sure I have much to contribute that many others would not. The story I always tell about the neighborhood is how important I think it was to elect John [Roach] as alderman. If that would have not happened and if John had not been able to get Mercantile to start making loans, the government programs would have swamped us in my opinion. Joe [Mensing] and I went through it selling the house on McPherson [at Rosedale] through FHA and it simply was a nightmare. Sharon will always remember being asked why we needed so many bedrooms when we applied for the loan on the house on Kingsbury. So there were lots and lots of people who contributed, but I have always felt John and his election were critical to saving the neighborhood in a really perilous time.
Good luck with your project.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Looking for Rita Sweets

We are having trouble locating a mailing address for Rita Sweets. Can anyone help? Her address originally found in was a PO box. That letter came back "unable to forward."

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

From JoAnn Vatcha

What a great idea! We'll be able to tap into all the fine minds and memories of our neighbors young and old. As we proceed through our centennial year, our celebration will be greatly impacted by our collection of thoughts on the blog. Working on our book and oral history project is such an exciting way to show others what makes our neighborhood great.
February 13, 2008 10:44 AM

Monday, February 4, 2008

Starting up!

A Skinker DeBaliviere Centennial committee has been formed and is making plans for a House Tour on May 11, 2008, an updated neighborhood history volume, an oral history project in partnership with the Missouri Historical Society, and a culmination celebration on October 11, 2008 at the Four Corners. Links to other websites that will provide information on these events are provided.
We urge you to contribute your ideas, ask questions, volunteer, and provide your opinions and reminiscences for inclusion in The Times of Skinker DeBaliviere and/or the history projects.
This should be a special year. Already at least two blocks have planned block parties.
We need your photos of the neighborhood, its people and events, too. We will be sure to return all such materials.